live documentary
Friday 14th & Saturday 15th September, 2018
The Studio @ DCTV
Here’s what people said:
“It was provocative, extremely upsetting, and deeply vulnerable — and it was GOOD ART.”
“(Next day) I’m still traumatized and can’t stop replaying it in my head. It was what I was hoping for, something that challenges me and makes me feel uncomfortable, though after the show I ate nearly a pint of ice cream.”
“I felt like I was part of a horrible social experiment, and the test was to see who would intervene and stop this shit.”
“I went outside with my friends to discuss whether we should ‘pull the plug on this guy’, like literally pull the power and shut this down.”
“Very disturbing … though I know that he is not doing this kind of work to 'shock', and that he truly believes in it.”
"I wouldn’t say this if I didn’t mean it, and I don’t say this to people, but I think he may be an artistic genius.”
“Brave … very, very … brave.”
“Premature, poorly executed, and selfish. He subjected the audience to cruelty, it was fucked up.” (… Then follow up two months later by same person … ) “What I never said is: he is a true artist. The real deal. An amazing writer and performer. I root for an awesome new version of the piece. The idea is brilliant.”
"I think he pulled it off … but maybe we wish he hadn’t."
This story from my old friend Jim Hickcox
"Hi! I was at Sundance last week and a guy at a party who didn't know I knew you started talking about this play, ‘Afterbirth’, which I didn’t know. I was just chatting with these dudes at a party and I don't remember what we were talking about exactly because I'm prone to tuning out. But he transitioned into talking about this show and it sounded amazing. He has a friend who'd seen it? He hadn't himself. But it had travelled. Anyway he talked about it and I was like "this shit sounds incredible" and then some other dude was like "is this the guy that poured shit on his head?" And I was like "ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT STJOHN?".
I was very excited. So good. You're probably the best artist I know. Man, his description of it - it sounds like you really scandalized your audience, which, in 2018 (or roundabouts) is so nearly impossible."
Thank YOU, Jim Hickcox one of the best artists I! know!
Why did I put myself through this? Was it a good or a bad thing I did, making so many people feel that terribly — enough that a good third of the audience walked out? Well, at least money was raised! $466 raised for the LEFSA organization, helping NYC homeless, many people victims of domestic abuse, and must be noted: a third of NYC homeless are children.